The first full of week of UVic’s PDPP program has begun and I have been tasked to create a blog and make a post! Easy task right? Well that will be revealed at the end of this post.

Before I could begin to create this blog, I had to ask myself some important questions such as: How comfortable am I with being online? What type of information am I willing to put on the internet? Will this blog be public or private? Where this content will end up?

Well let me tell you about the process of making a blog, blogging and setting up a website.

First I was exposed to a beautiful art piece of a free range rooster. Much like this one below:

Then the step by step instructions came! (Some of favourite things have step by step directions, from instant noodles to math equations!)
By the way the step by step instructions also included and required me to make a cup of tea! Who would have thought!
It was all pretty straight forward and understandable until the wall of text jumped right at me! The wall of text known as Privacy agreements and.. well… I am letting this blog out to the world!

After about 15-30 minutes on fiddling around, I had created a website and was ready to post, but instead I procrastinated and told myself “I will learn this better if I do this twice by having to relearn it after I close my screen, walk away, and forget all the steps”. To be honest I think my strategy worked out quiet well in hindsight.
Well in the end I figure blogging is like running. Everyone knows how to do it, everyone does it at different paces, for different purposes and that the hardest part is taking the first step.