Hello again and welcome to the inner workings of IROSS EdTech!
Two weeks ago I watched a documentary called Most Likely to Succeed.

Screen Captured by yours truly, IROSS
This documentary drama revealed some educational styles I had not seen before! It really highlighted the power and advantages of conventional and new age learning against traditional and classical education styles. The film challenged current views of education and reimagined what students and educators are capable of! I really enjoyed the student lead multidisciplinary approach to education, to me it was painting the big picture all at once instead of breaking down every component and building it separately piece by piece. This documentary accompanied with the question “Do we need to reimagine Education?” had me thinking about my education, my experiences and the importance of moving forward in our dynamic world. I came to the conclusion that we don’t need to reimagine education, but we definitely need to diversify it! In my eyes students need to experience all forms of education! Whether it be classical, conventional, new age, virtual, digital, hands on, formal, informal, non-formal, students should be exposed to it. I don’t yet believe that there is one best form of education for all learners, students are diverse and education needs to be as well. I believe we need to hold onto the past and embrace the future at the same time, I believe we can do it all! This whole situation makes me think of Socrates when he denounced writing and reading and stated that learning at the expense of memory will instill a forgetfulness in the soul, or when people thought video was going to kill the radio stars and that the internet would end them off. Take a look at our society and you will realize that none of these things have gone everywhere, people still learn by listening, reading and writing and radio, video and the internet all coexist. People like different things, whether they are old or new and our education system should reflect that. We can move forward without letting go of the past by diversifying education.
Here is a picture I took of my E-reader. Edited to have the brand removed. I think the e-reader is the best way to read but many of my friends and family vehemently disagree. Some people just prefer the classical way of doing things.
The real thing I think we need to reimagine is:
How we coexist with our planet.
Something that I believe will only be possible through education.
Credit to: Fateme Alaie @Banuuu Location: Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran
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